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Walmart Partners With Fast-Food Chain Burger King; Stock Hits All-Time High *

Walmart Inc., which is the second-largest global retail company by market capitalization, recently achieved a significant milestone. Its stock price reached an all-time high, driven by strong financial performance that exceeded market expectations, particularly highlighting substantial growth in e-commerce. * Additionally, Walmart announced a partnership with the fast-food chain Burger King, which is set to benefit its loyal customers.

Walmart Partners With Fast-Food Chain Burger King; Stock Hits All-Time High *

Partnership with Burger King Brings Benefits for Both Companies

The collaboration between Walmart and Burger King represents a strategic move to strengthen their market positions and attract new customers. Starting in September 2024, a special offer will provide Walmart Plus members with attractive discounts on digital orders from Burger King. This initiative aims to increase the value of Walmart's subscription service and compete with other major players like Amazon, which already offers similar benefits to its members. For Burger King, this partnership is an opportunity to boost foot traffic to its locations and promote digital orders, potentially leading to increased overall revenue. If successful, this move could enhance customer loyalty to both brands, driving higher sales and profits. [1]

Stock Price at All-Time High

Walmart's stock recently hit an all-time high, surpassing $76 per share, reflecting the company's strong growth potential. * This significant increase was supported by robust quarterly results that exceeded market expectations, particularly in e-commerce and digital advertising, where the company saw a notable rise in revenue. Another contributing factor was the announcement of the partnership with Burger King. Furthermore, Walmart has attracted more customers from higher income brackets, helping to boost its overall margins. These factors collectively contribute to the growth in stock value, making Walmart one of the most stable and promising companies in the current market. [2]

Snímek obrazovky 2024-08-26 v 12.50.31

Source: Investing.com*


Financial Results Exceed Expectations

Walmart Inc. reported strong revenue and earnings per share growth for Q2 of fiscal year 2025 (covering the period from May 1, 2024, to July 31, 2024), surpassing LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) analysts' expectations. Total revenue reached $169.34 billion, a 4.8% year-over-year increase, with estimates at $168.63 billion. Adjusted earnings per share were $0.67, exceeding the forecast of $0.65. Operating income rose 8.5% to $7.9 billion, supported by higher gross margins and increased membership revenue, alongside a 21% rise in global e-commerce sales. Membership and other non-sales revenue grew significantly by 16% to $1.57 billion. Despite these positives, net income fell nearly 43% to $4.5 billion. Walmart raised its full-year guidance, expecting sales growth of 3.75% to 4.75% and adjusted earnings per share between $2.35 and $2.43, compared to the previous forecast of 3% to 4% sales growth and earnings between $2.23 and $2.37 per share. [3]

Sale of JD.com Stake

In another strategic move, Walmart has solidified its position in China, which is currently facing declining consumer activity in the retail sector. After eight years, the company sold its stake in Chinese firm JD.com for approximately $3.7 billion. Chinese retail companies like JD and Alibaba are experiencing slowdown in sales. In contrast, Walmart has performed well in China, evidenced by a 17.7% year-over-year revenue increase. The sale is expected to provide capital for expanding Walmart's own operations in the country. However, Walmart will continue collaborating with JD, sharing data and supply chains. The sale reflects Walmart's ongoing adaptation to changing market conditions to maintain its leading position.


Despite current economic challenges leading to more modest consumer spending, Walmart demonstrates its ability to adapt and thrive in tough market conditions. Its record performance in online sales is a clear testament to its robustness and capacity to adjust its business model to new trends in digital shopping. Additionally, Walmart is employing strategic moves to strengthen its market positions against competitors. This success indicates that Walmart is well-positioned to face various challenges in the future. [4]


* Data relating to the past are not a guarantee of future returns.

[1], [2], [3], [4] Forward-looking statements represent assumptions and current expectations that may not be accurate or are based on the current economic environment, which may change. These statements are not guarantees of future performance. Forward-looking statements inherently involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances that cannot be predicted and actual developments and results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements.

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